Rag Paper Project

Paper and Rags, sequel to Bottle and Glass, is set to launch Dec. 8th, 2019 at the Kingston Brew Pub (upstairs) starting at 2PM

As a special lead-in to the launch, I plan to make paper in the old-fashioned way, by hand, from cotton and linen rags provided by friends, family, readers, writers – anyone who is interested. Once I have a stack of paper made, Vincent Perez of Everlovin’ Press, using a traditional letterpress, will print a new, commemorative front page of the first Kingston Gazette (Sept. 25th 1810 – a paper copy of this edition no longer exists – see below for more info). These freshly printed Gazettes will be available at the launch alongside the book: free with a copy of Paper and Rags, or $10 without, until supplies last.


Contributions so far!


swatchNY Nancy Young Cotton bed cover, circa mid-1950’s From a Christmas gift, given by Nancy’s grandparents to her aunt and eventually passed on to her.  Identical bed covers were given to her two other aunts but only this one remains.withersRena and Bill Withers and family in the mid-1930’s on the front lawn of the Withers’ family home in Morven, east of Napanee Ontario.  Rena and Bill moved to Colborne St. in Kingston with daughter Franny when son Howard took over the farm. 
heartEW Erin Webster Heart-shaped cloth fragment From a onesie worn by both Erin’s children (at separate times!)
shirtEW Erin Webster strip from cotton t-shirt Worn when running and completing longest race.
fishSH Shelley Hodgkinson fish artwork This fish artwork is a present from a 5-year old friend called Teddy who made it for Shelley when she moved from Echo Bay, after living there for many years, to Ottawa.
linensPH Patty Henderson antique linens Linen table cloths from the turn of the century, given to Patty by her Montreal aunts and grandmother.
shirtLL Leanne Lieberman cotton shirt A tired, worn-out shirt named, appropriately, Morgan.
Leanne Lieberman “ganky” A scrap of Leanne’s beloved “ganky”, her security blanket.
Cathy Martin cotton sports shirt A t-shirt from a children’s, international soccer camp
Corina Zechel linen tablecloth, initialed The linen tablecloth belonged to Corina’s great aunt, Julia Schrimpf, of Switzerland.  Julia died tragically in childbirth along with her baby. She was the first wife of Corina’s maternal grandmother’s brother.  When Julia died, Corina’s great uncle likely gave some of Julia’s initialed linens to Corina’s grandmother before he remarried.
Tom Hollenstein
 collared shirt  “Old Reliable”, well worn shirt, finally gave out
Loisy Ballina & Juan Fernandez
bed sheet fragment Bed sheet used by their three children, packed and unpacked from Mexico City to Toronto to Xalapa (Mexico) to Kingston
Juergen Dingel
correspondence A collection of old letters with German post marks
Juergen Dingel
running shirt From race run in Pittsburgh, 1998
Helen Brown
 night shirt “Ruff Night” night shirt
Mark Uygur
Late 80s concert tee A momento from suburban, middle class, sanctimonious, goof-punk.
Mark Uygur
Late 80s concert tee A Go Figure t-shirt. A Husker Du style band featuring Jim Bryson,  Andy Miller, and Mark Uygur. Go Figure opened for the Smashing Pumpkins in Ottawa.
David Seymour
t-shirt A “Your Mom is here with your lunch!” t-shirt, worn religiously through pre-Socratics lectures.
Morgan Wade
April 1980 Beezer A copy of an April 1980 edition of The Beezer, one of my first encounters with a printed weekly.
Morgan Wade
1983 Beano The slightly more sophisticated Beano.
Morgan Wade
tiny button up shirt My son’s first shirt.
Morgan Wade
transparent and disintegrating blanket My son’s first blanket.